Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Must Be My Lucky Day v. 409

Leather Bustier via Ebay

  • Coincidentally came across this during my aimless searches and obviously came out on 'top'. Pun intended. I think it will go quite nicely with this in my pseudo collection I'm unintentionally starting.
  • as far as the DIY corset is concerned, I think I've put that on the backburner because I just can't seem to bring myself to alter it's magnificence. It's much like trying to add something to a Picasso or a Monet. It just feels really wrong. So until some factor of Newton's 1st law of motion changes things, I'll have to come up with some other extraordinary DIY for you guys.
  • I've had my 1st request from a reader for a tutorial! How exciting and I will attempt a reenactment of one of my previous DIY this weekend. So stay tuned!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just cut the tag out...

  • I feel so juvenile still buying clothes from Hot Topic but they've got some pretty decent jeans on clearance right now for $20
  • Despite the fact that Houston weather is so erratic, every so often we've been getting Cali weather (see: bright sunshine and cool breeze, driving with the windows down), and I'm freaking LOVING it
  • My brother watched DOG 101 the other day and apparently my neices chihuahua has "big man syndrome"

Monday, April 20, 2009


V magazine March 2009
model:Guinevere Vanseenus


Quotable Quotes

When you make music or write or create, it’s really your job to have mind-blowing, irresponsible, condomless sex with whatever idea it is you’re writing about at the time.”

-Lady Gaga

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Childhood Play

Is that an F-ing Lego necklace?! O hell no. A trip to the toystore is definitely in order.


Heavy Artillery

Are those F-ing acrylic bullets?!


Things I *Don't Need

Rick Owens


KiKi de Montparnasse


Rick Owens
  • *OK I LIE, I need all of these.
  • I tend to prefer menswear over women's. Overall, I'm attracted to things that have an edge. It's always good to check both places. I *do need these.


Rick Owens

*I really do

Click pics for links and sources

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Kate and skullz

Vogue China January '08

Inspired by my MJ necklace, my search for longer length necklaces led me to broblue. Apparently their awesome designs are actually cast from molds of real skulls. Birds, bats, and hummingbirds. Definitely unique and surprisingly affordable. I am waiting for these in the mail as we speak. Can't wait.

kate source:models.com

Friday, April 17, 2009

Tao's hair

  • I'm not really one with an affinity for asian beauty, but she's got something I can't deny.
  • My hair is so bad I have double split ends. That's one split end and then a split end off of one of those split ends! I've really been holding out for some kind of inspiration and this is the only haircut that has inspired me thus far. Whoever thought of it is a freaking genius and I'm really tempted to go through with it regardless if it fits my face or not. Somebody stop me.
  • It really reminds me of the 'bowl haircut' where back in the days they used to stick a bowl on your head and cut around it. Except this would have been done by one of those cool asians who was thinking outside of the box.
source: tfs

Backstage Pass- A.Wang

  • Lets not get too out of touch of reality, people. Count 'em. They have a minimum of 3 stylists working on one model at any given time.
  • I just want to pinch his cheeks! (the ones on his face)


Funny how one letter can change everything. Replace a 'K' with a 'G' and you get 2 totally different but equally cool female artists.

Dear Santa, please send me the cardiac necklace (complete with the bulging coronary arteries). I've been more nice than naughty. The tooth will suffice also. Thank you.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Everybody's a winner..

...but I just kicked your ass in the bidding war. Recent purchases this week. Aside from Ebay, I spend way too much dough in Salvation Army and Goodwill everytime I go. Seriously, it's ridiculous. I mean how much could you possibly find in places like that? People don't sell their clothes there, they donate those items because they don't give a shit. But even though there's a lot of crap to sift through, I always make out like a bandit. I like to tell myself that it's because I have a knack for spotting diamonds in the rough...yes.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Came across this photo that I remember being featured in a Nylon magazine from last year. I absolutely love this picture. I believe that's Theodora Richards, Keith Richards daughter, whom is the denim label's inspiration. If you want, you can check out the 4Stroke denim line here. Unfortunately I think their marketing looks better than the actual product. But isn't that usually the case.
